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Love Under Protection (425 Madison Avenue Book 15) Page 2
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“Shit,” Harley grumbles.
“You need to take that?” I ask. Defeat already setting in. Of course, he’ll need to take that call. I probably should too.
Knowing my best friend, she’s likely calling to tell me she’s arrived, and wedding shenanigans are about to commence. Leave it to Liv to clam jam me.
“As much as I want to ignore it, if I do, they’ll probably come looking for me,” he confesses.
I don’t ask who ‘they’ are. Instead, I give him a solemn nod and separate myself from him. My phone pings letting me know I’ve got a voicemail waiting so I change my focus to that as I dress in last night’s clothes.
Liv’s voice fills the line as I button up my shirt and grab my small clutch.
“Hey, Raylynn! We’re here! Gosh, this place is so gorgeous. Meet me in the lobby in thirty. Jameson’s booked a spa day for you and me! Seriously how sweet is he? See you soon!”
I delete the message and sigh. Let the crazy begin.
“I need to shower. I’ve got a golf date with a few friends,” Harley grumbles, running a hand over his face.
“Yeah. I should go too. This was fun.”
No regrets. I will not regret throwing caution to the wind and having a little fun with this man.
“It was. Thank you,” he says sweetly, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead.
I escape without another word.
Taking the elevator up one more floor, I rush down the hall and quickly slip the room key in the slot. The door unlocks and I slip inside, heading straight for the shower.
It seems like such a shame to wash away the night. As the water cascades down over my body, I recall the feel of Harley’s hands on me and my core clenches. Nope. No regrets. Not one. Okay, except for maybe the fact that we couldn’t have a repeat this morning.
Chapter 3
I’d give anything to go back in time by about an hour, to when I was still tucked in bed beside the gorgeous brunette from last night. Instead, I’m driving a golf cart around with my best friend/groom-to-be and his father, Walter.
It’s been non-stop since Jay and Liv’s flight touched down this morning.
Christ, he didn’t even give me a chance to grab a cup of coffee before he started blowing up my phone and twenty minutes after that, dragging me out of my hotel room while I was quite literally still trying to zipper my pants. His annoying and constant barrage of messages and phone calls sent the woman from the night before running out the door. She insisted she had somewhere to be too, but I think she was more worried that whoever was blowing up my phone was going to waltz in and catch us both in a compromising position.
“Harley quit ignoring me.” Jameson slaps me on the back, jolting me forward and causing me to slam on the brakes.
“Jesus, what the hell, man?”
Walter laughs beside me.
“I asked you if you were sure you had your tux and that it fit properly. Liv’s asked me four times now to check with you.”
“Yes, Jay, tell your precious bride that I have my tux, and it fits wonderfully. In fact, it looks so great that all eyes will be on me and not your ugly mug.”
“Remind me again why I asked you to be my best man?”
“Because if not for me, you and Liv wouldn’t be together. Plus, your dad couldn’t do it since he’s filling in for the late Mr. Hawthorne.” I gladly jog his memory.
“I’m not sure how you think you’re responsible for us getting together, but whatever,” Jameson retorts.
Okay, so he’s not wrong. I can’t say I was always Olivia’s biggest fan. In my defense, she did treat Jameson like shit, a lot, before they officially got together. He wasn’t innocent either, but I had taken to calling her the Ice Princess for a while there. I came around once I saw the love they have for each other. Hell, I hate to admit it, but Olivia is good for him - they’re good for each other.
“Son, speaking of Mr. Hawthorne…” Walter pipes up.
“No Dad, Liv did not invite her mother. Dahlia made it clear that she didn’t have time for such frivolous things and felt that Liv’s money would be better spent on something flashier besides a wedding to a piece of blue-collar scum,” Jameson grunts.
“Sometimes, it’s hard for me to believe she’s the same woman who was married to Marvin all those years. I know your mother would really like to wring her neck.”
“I’d pay to see that,” I interject. “My money is on Greta.”
Jameson told me all about how Olivia’s mom basically went nuts when Olivia’s father died. Come to find out Mrs. H had been having an affair with her husband’s brother of all people. The whole situation is a million kinds of fucked up and explains why Olivia had some issues herself.
Walter lets out a hearty laugh. “After the hell Dahlia has put Liv through, I think it’s possible she wouldn’t stand a chance. Greta has quite the fondness for our Olivia.”
Jameson growls, “Mine.”
“Oh, calm down, son. We all know she’s yours,” he says while patting Jameson on the shoulder like a child.
“Yeah.” I shudder. “I don’t need to be reminded. You’ve proven that plenty of times. Seriously. You should consider moving your bedroom to the one on the other side of the apartment, give those neighbors something to listen to for a while.”
I stop the golf cart at the next hole, and Jameson pokes me with his club as he climbs off the back of the cart.
“It’s not my fault you haven’t gotten laid this century.”
Flipping him the middle finger, I shake my head. “You have no idea what I’ve been up to.”
“Right, I forgot your flight came in last night. And I’m pretty sure I saw scratch marks on your back when I walked into your room this morning,” Jameson says as he takes his place at the tee.
“Alright. Unless the two of you want me to start talking about how Greta enjoys being tied up…” Walter speaks.
“STOP!” Jameson and I both shout at the same time.
“Dad, please don’t put those images in my head the day before my wedding.”
Walter smiles slyly. “I’m happy for you, boys. Truly. But, cut the old man some slack. Please.”
“Yeah, change the subject.” Jameson takes a swing. “Got that best man speech written, Harley?”
“You know I do. Wrote it. Memorized it. AND put that sucker on note cards, so I make sure I nail it. You have no idea how excited I am to tell everyone about the kid I knew back in middle school who loved Ninja Turtles and thought he was going to be the next blue Power Ranger.”
The look on Jameson’s face as he spins around to look at me is priceless. “You wouldn’t.”
“I hope you didn’t forget the part about how he was madly in love with the girl next door, but his friends convinced him that she had cooties, so he made cootie spray and zapped her with it,” Walter adds.
I’m nearly doubled over in laughter while Jameson rants at both of us. I can’t hear everything he’s saying, but I’m pretty sure he said something about how his dad is supposed to be on his side and that it would have been less painful to pay for Trey’s whole family to be here so that our old high school pal and Jameson’s business partner at Phoenix Construction could be his ‘real’ best man.
While I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes, Walter steps up and takes his shot on the green. Then it’s my turn. I’m just about to take a swing when Jameson squawks behind me, catching me off guard. I miss the golf ball, and my club goes flying.
“You owe me a beer for that one, Phoenix,” I tell him before I walk off to retrieve my club. “Tell me something though, how is it that you moved to New York and swore you were leaving that Georgia boy personality behind and yet, here we are at some country club in freaking Hawaii of all places, playing golf the day before your wedding?”
“What else is there to do?” Jameson shrugs.
Walter smirks. “I promised Greta we would go for a couples massage before the rehearsal dinner. Why don’t we
call it a day and you boys go get into some trouble? Just, not enough trouble that I’d have to bail you out or anything.”
“You heard the man.” I’m more than happy to end this round of golf early. Maybe I can convince Jay to check out one of the local bars before we need to be back at the resort for rehearsal.
Chapter 4
My cell phone pings again just as I’m about to step into the elevator. I don’t even need to look; I know it’s Liv. Again.
TheBestie: You’re on your way, right? Reservations are in twenty minutes. We’re at the bar.
I quickly type out my reply.
Me: In the elevator now. See you in five.
Thank goodness for that massage at the spa earlier, and the coffee, complete with Baileys that was waiting. Don’t get me wrong, I love Liv like a sister, but the woman is out of control. Stressed to the max about this wedding and making sure that everything is perfect.
Not that I would expect anything less from my best friend. She’s been this way since I met her in first grade. I suppose it has a whole lot to do with her uptight and over-the-top mother—that evil woman is first-class insane, and it only got worse when Liv’s father died.
Thank God for Jameson though. He pulled our girl through one of the darkest parts of her life, while her mother practically abandoned her.
The elevator dings, signaling that we’re in the lobby. I toss my phone in my handbag and run my fingers through my wavy hair while heading for the restaurant/bar where tonight’s rehearsal dinner is taking place. This wasn’t my first time being in a wedding party, but my dear friend Olivia and her soon-to-be husband Jameson decided that we really didn’t need to practice the whole walking down the aisle thing. Instead, we’d just go with the flow tomorrow and tonight we’d enjoy hanging out, eating good food and having some drinks.
I’ll admit, I’m shocked that Liv is foregoing the traditional rehearsal, especially as high strung as she’s been lately, but trust me, it’s all the same in the end. Walk in when you’re told. Stand here. Look pretty. Hold this. Smile.
“Raylynn! Over here,” Liv calls out as soon as I walk in.
As promised, she’s at the bar with one arm wrapped around Jameson while he’s talking to someone. I make my way over, and she greets me with a hug before spinning me around.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here. Jameson and I want you to meet, Harley. He’s our best man!” Olivia tells me excitedly, as time seems to slow down.
This cannot be happening. There is no way. No way in hell. No...no...no.
Harley meets my gaze and smirks. Fucker.
Before either of us can say anything, Olivia squeals and tugs on Jameson’s arm. “Sorry. You two get acquainted, we need to go say hello to Payton and Cody!”
They disappear in a flash, thankfully, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
Harley lets out a throaty chuckle that sends sparks up my spine. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Really? That’s how you’re going to play this?” I try not to giggle like a schoolgirl. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s not like we spent the night together last night, and he blew my mind six ways to Sunday. Except he did just that. “Pretty sure Liv and Jameson sprung for the open bar,” I tell him while ordering a shot of tequila and a Coke.
“Make that two,” he tells the bartender before turning back to me. “I guess you’re right, it is an open bar.”
The bartender slides our drinks across the bar top, Harley and I both hand him a hefty tip.
“In that case, a toast then?” Harley asks.
He hits me with that devilish smirk again. “To wedding parties and second chances.”
“Second chances for what exactly?”
Harley leans in, his breath against my skin heats my entire body and whispers in my ear, “To do wicked things to your body all over again.”
My nipples pebble beneath the fabric of my red dress, begging for his touch. Visions of his mouth against me play through my mind. “Who said I was going to let you do wicked things to me all over again?” I tease, knowing damn well that if I could keep Olivia and Jameson from finding out, I would gladly go for round two or more.
When in Hawaii...right?
I mean, come on now, it’s not every day that I meet Mr. Tall, Dark, and Oh So Sexy. I would bet good money that it will be a long time before I ever find another guy who is as good at pleasure as Harley.
God. I cannot believe I slept with the best man. Before the damn wedding. Shit.
If his luck is anything like mine, I can guarantee that it was Jameson who ruined what was about to be a really good morning by nearly blowing up Harley’s phone. At the same time that mine was going off with messages from Olivia with today’s itinerary and reminders.
I quickly look around to make sure Liv and Jameson are still distracted. “You know we cannot tell them about this, right? I’m not about to let what happened with us ruin their big day.”
Harley runs his hand over his chin, scratching at the stubble that felt incredible against my thighs, and I nearly whimper. “What makes you think what we’ve been up to would ruin anything? We’re two consenting adults.”
“Have you met Liv? Anything not written down on her agenda will throw her through a loop. I seriously don’t know how Jameson convinced her that we didn’t need to rehearse the ceremony.”
He orders another round, passes me a shot, and nods his head. “You’ve got a point. But what they don’t know won't hurt ‘em.”
I hold up my shot glass. “Right. Last night didn’t happen. We don’t know each other. And no repeats.”
Harley downs his shot and coughs. “Fuck that. There most certainly will be a repeat.”
Not a chance. I won’t risk ruffling Liv’s feathers, no matter how bad I still want him. For now though, I’ll let him think what he wants.
An arm drapes over my shoulder, startling me temporarily until I realize it’s Jameson. “Nice to see you two getting along. Harley doesn’t like a lot of people.”
“Keep it up, fucker,” Harley grumbles.
“Our table’s ready. Better not keep the bride waiting,” Jameson says, totally ignoring Harley while spinning me around and guiding me toward the party room where everyone is gathering.
If I thought I’d be able to escape Harley the rest of the night, I was sadly wrong. No, he’s determined to do everything he can to keep me on the edge.
By the time dinner ends, I’ve had one too many glasses of champagne, and I’m ready to start begging him to take me again.
Liv’s happiness is the only thing stopping me.
“Can I get you another?” Harley reaches for my empty glass.
“Hands off.”
He laughs. “Come on, I’m just trying to help you out.”
“No. No, you’re not.” Whoa, did my words just slur. Time to rein it in!
“A water then?”
“Good idea.”
I watch his fine ass as he walks away. Payton elbows me and wags her eyebrows.
Apparently, she and I have bonded tonight. I had no clue she worked at the Vet office where Liv takes Peaches, my favorite fur niece. Her fiancé was a professional bull rider but now he works for Liv - or The Mason Center at their new equine therapy location. Big difference from riding bulls but one too many hits to the head will do that to a guy.
Payton hands me a napkin. “You might want to wipe the drool off your chin.”
“I was not drooling.” I dab at my face just in case. “Was I?”
Payton laughs. “You might as well have been!”
I shrug it off and snatch the bottle of water from Harley’s hand when he returns. “Thank you,” I murmur.
“You’re welcome.”
Liv and Jameson join us. I may be tipsy, but I do not miss the way she eyes Harley and me suspiciously. Shit.
“The guys want to hit the bars for a little bit. I say we ladies hit the club and do some dancing,” Liv says
I swear I hear Harley growl beside me.
“Can I trust you both to keep an eye on her?” Jameson teases, pointing to Liv. “Don’t let her run off on me before I get her down the aisle.”
This time Harley chuckles, “I think you’re asking the wrong one.”
“Whatever.” I poke his chest. “I can be responsible. Liv and I used to go out all the time.”
Jameson winces. “Yeah, I remember all the nights you two went out.”
Okay, so we might have gotten into trouble a time or two and called Jameson to rescue us. We were younger. We’re wiser now. Maybe.
At least we had enough sense to call someone. And Jameson made damn sure it was always him that got that call. His love/hate relationship with Liv came fully equipped with a strong need to protect her at all costs.
“Relax, I’ll be fine. We won’t be out too late, and I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be the one in the white dress.” Liv beams up at Jameson.
He relaxes and kisses her cheek. “Have fun. But not too much fun.” He gives Harley a shove. “Let’s go, man. You owe me a drink.”
The next morning, er, more like early afternoon, I make it to brunch with Liv, Jameson’s mom Greta and Payton with five minutes to spare.
The bride-to-be already has a mimosa in hand and passes one to me. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty. Sleep well?” She giggles.
“I did actually. I was up with the sunrise, did a little yoga on the balcony, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.”
Liv sips from her champagne glass. “And did that scenery happen to include a certain tall, dark and handsome gentleman?”
The mouthful of mimosa nearly comes spewing out my nose while I cough and sputter. “What?”
“Oh, come on, we all saw the way you two were looking at each other last night.”
I look around at everyone else who are all watching me with googly eyes.
“Jesus!” I let out an exaggerated sigh. “This is like college all over again.”